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For information and become a Sailor for Sandy contact us or just donate . Corperate Sponsership can be as simple as your business organizing a group to clean for a few hours . 


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Sailors for Sandy  Is born from a growing need to protect our wetlands on the eastern seaboard .

After Hurricanne Sandy it is now more than ever a time of need and voluntters to clean the great marshes and back bays and roads that lead to our wetlands . Natures Filters Need you .. 

Hurrucanne Sandy has devastated Our first line of defense . Our Wetlands our Wetlands Natures Filther against Man . Sailors for Sandy is a Non profit to raise awareness . To organize clean ups . To protect the Wetlands that are on the Backburnner of every Clean up effort underway . The Wetlands need the same amount attention as the Beaches are getting . And More . 


Waves for Water Donations







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